Failed to copy error while copying mobileprovision file in Jenkins Failed to copy error while copying mobileprovision file in Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Failed to copy error while copying mobileprovision file in Jenkins

The issue is that the target path has a folder "Provisioning Profiles" with a space in it.

Either place it into a folder with no white space, or escape the white space in your code.

<string path>.replaceAll(" ", "\\ ")

I have met the similar problem because of the access permission denied.I think that you installed the Jenkins by .pkg file,because your Jenkins directory is in /Users/Shared/Jenkins.

This kind of installation of Jenkins on macOS is really easy to cause the file access permission error.

The above error is not very easy to solve,I have not solve the problem yet directly.

I have reinstalled the Jenkins by brew command,and I have no permission error,because the Jenkins installation directory is not in Shared,but in the User directory.

If you don't have Homebrew installed,use the command to install Homebrew in your terminal.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Use the command to install Jenkins.

brew install jenkins-lts