Git credentials when npm has a git dependency Git credentials when npm has a git dependency jenkins jenkins

Git credentials when npm has a git dependency

You can vend HTTPS credentials to git using the credential-helper config with a file. The file format is just an HTTPS URL with the user:password credentials part filled in. Something like:

CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH="$HOME/.git/my-ci-credentials"cat '' > "$CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH"

Because npm clones the repo outside the context of your project folder, you'll need to specify this config at the user, rather than project, level:

git config --global credential.helper "store --file=$CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH"

After this, npm should be able to clone the repo.

I solved this by using the git+ssh way of installing the dependency, like git+ssh://my-server/my-repo.git#1.0.0

Then on the Jenkins .ssh folder add a config file with the content:

Host github.comHostName github.comUser gitIdentityFile ~/.ssh/<rsa file>

Then Jenkins knows to use that ssh key for any url. You need to have a Jenkins git user or deploy key associated with the project you are trying to import.