How can I find initial password for jenkins? How can I find initial password for jenkins? jenkins jenkins

How can I find initial password for jenkins?

docker exec <container_name> cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

I tried looking into the container's filesystem, but there's no secrets folder in it. But I found the solution in the jenkins documentation here

Docker outputs the initial secret to the console

To view the console use the command

docker logs <container id of jenkins>

output is somemthing like this:enter image description here

If you are using Mac and Docker installation for Jenkins follow bellow steps to get initial administer password to start authentication in Jenkins Console. Type below command in Terminal.

(Note: This is working, if you have follow default steps in Jenkins documentation to install Jenkins in Docker environment)

Find the running containers

: docker ps

Copy the running containerID

: docker exec -it <containerID> bash: cd /var/jenkins_home/secrets: cat initialAdminPassword

Use secret password showing in terminal and used as initial password for Jenkins Console.