How can I run Selenium Webdiver test cases(Maven Project) in virtual server space through Jenkins with Headless browser? How can I run Selenium Webdiver test cases(Maven Project) in virtual server space through Jenkins with Headless browser? jenkins jenkins

How can I run Selenium Webdiver test cases(Maven Project) in virtual server space through Jenkins with Headless browser?

There is another way that can help you.

But you require a dedicated server space and a display for running your selenium script. Display is required for javascript operations.

You have to configure jenkins job with your repository first.

Once you get repository you have to run that project with the help of mvn exec:java.

Please confirm your JRE version in jenkins with maven-compiler-plugin. It should be same.

Once you are able to successfully run the jenkins job, you can check it in your jenkins console log.

Hard to say why it does not work, as you said nothing about your application. But "NoSuchElementException" suggests that the tests are running and just cannot find the required element.

Take a look at your application logfile and check if it is really running.

You may dump a screenshot to see your application state in case of error.see Take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver