How constrain the list of users who can receive the e-mail in jenkins on build failure? How constrain the list of users who can receive the e-mail in jenkins on build failure? jenkins jenkins

How constrain the list of users who can receive the e-mail in jenkins on build failure?

Yes there is. In the post-build actions:

  • add E-mail Notification
  • in the recipients list, add all the email address you want to
  • UNCHECK Send separate e-mails to individuals who broke the build

This will send the emails only to those whose email address you have provided, regardless of who broke the build. However, this will not send the emails to the build breakers.

Your other option is to go to the People section, select the users you don't want receiving emails, and remove their email address from their individual profiles. This way they won't get an email even if they broke the build. Only those users whose email addresses are configured will get emails.

Have a look at Email ext Plugin which has scores of options to configure who the recipients should be and for what action. Once you install the plugin, you get a new post-build action Extended Email Notification