How do I clone a job in Jenkins? How do I clone a job in Jenkins? jenkins jenkins

How do I clone a job in Jenkins?

To copy an existing job, go to http://your-jenkins/newJob and use the "Copy existing job" option. Enter the name of the existing job - Jenkins will verify whether it exists.

The default tab on the front page of Jenkins should list all existing jobs, but maybe your predecessor deleted the tab. You can create a new tab listing all jobs from http://your-jenkins/newView.

You can clone a job:

  1. Click on 'New Item' link
  2. Give a new name for your job
  3. Select radio button 'Copy existing Item'
  4. Give the job name that you want to clone
  5. Click 'OK'

Finally, you have your new job, which reflects all features of your cloned one.

Jenkins 2.9

  1. Jenkins > New Item

    Jenkins New Item

  2. Enter an item name - E.g. "MY_CLONE"

    Enter an item name

  3. Specify the source (Copy from) job > OK

    When you start typing the name, the existing values will be found. Notice that this is case sensitive.

    Copy from OK

  4. Click on Save if you want to keep the default values.

  5. Now both jobs are available in the same location:

    View jobs