How do I deploy a web deploy package to Azure Web Sites via command line? How do I deploy a web deploy package to Azure Web Sites via command line? jenkins jenkins

How do I deploy a web deploy package to Azure Web Sites via command line?

Have you checked the web app deploy page? Azure commandlets in powershell are popular.

We ended up using this batch file to deploy the package to azure. I named the variables the same as the variables you get when you download the azure deployment credentials from the azure control panel.

SET cmdPath=MSBuildGeneratedDeploymentPackage/yoursitename.deploy.cmdSET userName=$yoursitenameSET userPWD=passwordFromAzureDeploymentCredential%cmdPath% /y "/m:https://%publishUrl%/MsDeploy.axd" -allowUntrusted /u:"%userName%" /p:"%userPWD%" /a:Basic