How do I monitor log of the users who successfully logged into my Jenkins Server? How do I monitor log of the users who successfully logged into my Jenkins Server? jenkins jenkins

How do I monitor log of the users who successfully logged into my Jenkins Server?

  1. Go to -> Manage Jenkins -> System Log
  2. Click on add new log recorder and name it anything you like for example ->user_access_details
  3. Then click on add loggers once prompted and add and set it to Finest level

Should look like this -

Should look like this

Logs would look like this -

Logs would look like this

You can enable access log by adding these lines to /etc/default/jenkins above JENKINS_ARGS:

# Enable access logJENKINS_ACCESSLOG="--accessLoggerClassName=winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger --simpleAccessLogger.format=combined --simpleAccessLogger.file=/var/log/jenkins/access.log"

Enable log rotation: edit /etc/logrotate.d/jenkins and change /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log to /var/log/jenkins/*.log

Copy from here.

Does it help?

If you want to see who is doing what, I would install the Audit Trail Plugin: and if you're really hardcore, I would install the Audit to Database Plugin: