How do I use Jenkins s3 publish plugin to the same location for every build? How do I use Jenkins s3 publish plugin to the same location for every build? jenkins jenkins

How do I use Jenkins s3 publish plugin to the same location for every build?

I'm not sure I fully understand what exactly what you want, but based on what I could gather up,you have an .exe file which needs to be in a particular location before publishing to s3 ?

Why not add a another post build action before your actual post build(publishing to s3) copy .exe to the destination location and then initiate publish build.

wont that be easier :)

You simply need another build step that copies the published .exe artifact to the permanent location for users to download.

I think you are confusing "publishing an app to your production environment" and publishing build artifacts. I believe the intent of this Jenkins S3 publish plugin is not to be used for your final release production version but as a build step to archive build artifacts, archive might have the same meaning as publishing in this context regarding your build artifacts. See this article for why I am thinking the Jenkins S3 publish plugin is not meant to be used to actually publish the final release version of your application.

Use a Jenkins Pipeline or add another build step to your Freestyle to copy the exe from S3 build artifact archive to your final permanent storage container for users to download from your website/app.

Unselect both Manage artifacts and Flatten directories checkboxes. And as per the Source give the directory name followed by a / which contains your executable. For example:

enter image description here

This way your latest executable will always be placed in bucket/blahblahblah/executable/executable.exe location no matter how many times your job runs.