How Jenkins is passing username and password credentials for checkout pull operations How Jenkins is passing username and password credentials for checkout pull operations jenkins jenkins

How Jenkins is passing username and password credentials for checkout pull operations

Found the solution:

  1. Even when the user (jenkins) had valid WRITE access on the target RhodeCode/Merurial repository and either ~/.hgrc or mercurial_keyring setup wsa configured successfully (i.e. username/password less hg operations after one time manual entry), Maven SCM plugin scm:checkin and scm:tag operation were still failing.

The reason for that is scm:checkin / scm:tag goals (of Maven SCM plugin) calls the version tool commands (hg commands in my case) but it was NOT passing the authentication params (username/password). For that either I could have added the and values in project pom.xml OR in ~/.m2/settings.xml withing maven-scm-plugin plugin's configuration ---OR (more secured way is to) create/use 2 new Jenkins global level variables (of password type) to create username/password variables and use / pass them to scm:checkin / scm:tag goals while calling these goals within Release plugin's configuration settings in Jenkins i.e. -Dusername=$username and -Dpassword=$password (as the values are coming from Jenkins, they will be masked automatically).

I went with the Jenkins route and create 2 password type global variables in Jenkins Global configuration under "Configure system" > Global parameters/passwords section and just passed them to scm:checkin/tag goals while calling them in Invoke Maven step (within Release plugin configuration in Jenkins).

I found, if you have ~/.hgrc set with just username in it, then Jenkins checkout /pull commands started to fail as Jenkins process stopped using the credentials what I was using to pull/clone the source code (it seems like it was giving preference to the ~/.hgrc username first as Jenkins job/process was running with jenkins user and because it didn't had a password variable/field set in ~/.hgrc, the pull/clone failed for some reason (it should have given preference to the user/credentials what we specify in the job's configuration itself). If I moved ~/.hgrc to ~/.hgrc-backup, then checkout/pull/clone worked in Jenkins worked fine (as it used the credentials what I mentioned in the Source Code Management section for Mercurial) BUT, it still failed during Maven SCM plugin not handling the under laying hg commands.

PS: running "hg push" on the workspace was working successfully (standalone, at command line) but when Maven SCM plugin was calling these goals and the goals were calling the hg commands, it didn't work for some reason.

Solution was:

  1. pass -Dusername=$username -Dpassword=$password variable to scm:checkin/scm:tag goals

  2. Make sure ~/.hgrc had username / password variables set --OR mercurial_keyring set to work with the repository (without prompting for username and password).

  3. The reason, Maven SCM plugin goals .. which called hg commands didn't work was due to an issue with the plugin I guess. A work around is to call these goals with -DpushChanges=false and this way, the goals will not call the under laying version control push operation and thus it'll succeed. Then you have to manually add another step in the "Release Plugin in Jenkins's configuration" as "Execute Shell / Execute Windows Batch command" way to run "hg push". Then, it will work and in this case, you don't need to pass -Dusername and -Dpassword parameters to these goals.