How pass string separated by spaces parameter to Jenkins build trigger? How pass string separated by spaces parameter to Jenkins build trigger? jenkins jenkins

How pass string separated by spaces parameter to Jenkins build trigger?

You just need to replace the blank space by %20 :


This is known as Url Enconding used for unsafe or special characters.

This is a summary table :

character      encoded equivalencebackspace      %08tab            %09space          %20!              %21"              %22#              %23$              %24%              %25&              %26'              %27(              %28)              %29*              %2A+              %2B,              %2C-              %2D.              %2E/              %2F:              %3A;              %3B<              %3C=              %3D>              %3E?              %3F@              %40[              %5B\              %5C]              %5D^              %5E_              %5F`              %60{              %7B|              %7C}              %7D¿              %BF
