How should our devs test python SVN branches with Jenkins? How should our devs test python SVN branches with Jenkins? jenkins jenkins

How should our devs test python SVN branches with Jenkins?

The question is a bit too big to be answered in a simple post, I will therefore try to give a few hints and references as far as I see from my personal view:

A few quick tips:

  • I like the idea of separating the developers into branches, but I would do the testing on the feature-branch and only merge to the beta branch if the feature passes tests, this way nothing enters beta until it is tested!
  • I would put the integration steps into a script outside of Jenkins. Make it part of the source code. This way you can test the script itself quickly outside of Jenkins
  • Use the build-system or scripting language you feel most comfortable with, most of the steps can easily done with any programming language
  • Make the script return success or failure, so Jenkins can flag the build as failed
  • For the merge-issues, you have two possibilities
    • Require the branch to be manually rebased before a developer can submit it for integration, check in the script and fail it if a rebase is necssary. This way merge-errors cannot happen, the build simply fails if the branch is not rebased
    • If you rather allow non-rebased merges, you need to fail the build on merge errors so the developer can manually resolve the problem (by rebasing his/her branch before submitting again)

Here some books that I found useful in this area:

  • How Google Tests Software, by James A. Whittaker, Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo
  • Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation by Jez Humble

Let me know via comments what additional content you would like to have.

There are few things:

  • As barracel suggested - it would be much more convenient to use some DVCS - such git is much better prepared to work in the multiple branches.
  • IMHO process of merging is something which you rather don't want toautomate (I write about this referring to 'how to handle merge conflicts'). In workflows which I used to work - merge was always processed by human, sometimes with some kind of code review (I am not sure what do you mean by ' if it looks good ' - do you verify only functionality or also how it was implemented to have an orientation?
  • Besides of unittests - make some functional tests (Selenium) and also performance tests (jmeter or tsung) launched after every merge to beta branch - in that way you will be tracing also how application is changing with the development (and maybe react in time - for example if you will notice decrease of performance during login page, for instance.
  • It is trivial thing, but during work on separate branches - make sure about flow of the information so you will avoid developing same parts in different branches, or growing contradictory in used solutions / patterns / libraries. What may help - sending emails with fails (to developer who failed) and to everyone after successfully merge to the trunk - so everyone will be informed (but make sure that you are not spamming developers - they will stop reading it ;)
  • If you really have a lot of merge conflicts - maybe it is time to reconsider flow and minimize number of branches, interesting readings or Branch By Abstraction
  • Make sure that developers are pulling and merging trunk to their branches often - it should also help with reducing conflicts, or even
  • Why not test directly on developer branches after merging from trunk? Such merged code, once again should be easy to merge back into the trunk