How to encrypt a files in Jenkins How to encrypt a files in Jenkins jenkins jenkins

How to encrypt a files in Jenkins

Use an external tool such as 7zip to create a strongly encrypted zip file.

Install it by using this command sudo apt-get install p7zip-full -y

Encrypt your Jenkins's secretes directory by using the following command;

7z a -mhe=on -t7z -mx=9 -pyour_custom_password output_encryped_backup_archive.7z secretes

You can read more about the above options at

You can automate this script by using crontab.

Option 1. Jenkins credentials plugin

Store all credentials/secrets in one place.


node {  ws {    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secret', variable: 'FILE')]) {      sh 'use $FILE'    }  }}

Options 2. git-crypt

Just store as is into git with module git-crypt. In Jenkins credentials you have store the key

to get data just checkout git with additional encryption key

Option 3. Store encrypted archive in acrtifactory/S3 and password in Jenkins credentials

e.g. from

node {  withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'mylogin', variable: 'USERPASS')]) {    sh '''      set +x      curl -u "$USERPASS" https://private.server/ > output    '''  }}