How to get branch name in jenkins shared library How to get branch name in jenkins shared library jenkins jenkins

How to get branch name in jenkins shared library

The GIT_BRANCH environment variable should give you what you want. It won't work in pipeline until Jenkins 2.60 and upgraded pipeline model definition plugin.

If you are using a pipeline job, you can

  • Capture object returned from scm checkout
  • Reference environment variable

pipeline {    // ...    stages {        stage('Setup') {            steps {                script {                    // capture scm variables                    def scmVars = checkout scm                    String branch = scmVars.GIT_BRANCH                    // or use the environment variable                    branch = env.GIT_BRANCH                }            }        }        // ...    }}

Environment variable reference.

I ended up using this:

 env.CHANGE_BRANCH ?: env.GIT_BRANCH ?: scm.branches[0]?.name?.split('/')[1] ?: 'UNKNOWN'

However, this requires me to approve several things in In-Script Approvals page.