How to get Image ID of docker in jenkins? How to get Image ID of docker in jenkins? jenkins jenkins

How to get Image ID of docker in jenkins?

One liner based on docker documentation:

sudo docker images --filter=reference=image_name --format "{{.ID}}"

Replace image_name by your actual docker image name.You can store that value in a shell variable for further referencing with:

IMAGE_ID=$(sudo docker images --filter=reference=image_name --format "{{.ID}}")

And then access it with $IMAGE_ID

A simpler way to solve it:

docker images --filter="reference=your_image_name" --quiet

What this command means:

  • --filter : Search a image based on name (represented by your_image_name)
  • --quiet : Return only the image ID


You can see the docker image id (for the images you have built or pulled from docker hub) using the following command: docker images

Update after comments from OP:

docker images --filter only implements dangling=true so you can't search for container ids using this way. so you'll have to rely on shell scripting, here's an example:

docker images | grep -E '^golang.*latest' | awk -e '{print $3}' 

You'll need to tailor the regex in the grep to match your image name and tag.