How to load AWS credentials in Jenkins job DSL? How to load AWS credentials in Jenkins job DSL? jenkins jenkins

How to load AWS credentials in Jenkins job DSL?

I found a solution to solve this problem:

wrappers {  credentialsBinding {    amazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding {      accessKeyVariable("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")      secretKeyVariable("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")      credentialsId("your-credentials-id")    }  }}

This will lead to the desired outcome.

I'm not able to re-use Miguel's solution (even with installed aws-credentials plugin), so here is another approach with DSL configure block

    configure { project ->        def bindings = project / 'buildWrappers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.SecretBuildWrapper' / 'bindings'        bindings << 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.awscredentials.AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding' {            accessKeyVariable("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")            secretKeyVariable("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")            credentialsId("credentials-id")        }    }