How to pass PhantomJS path to Selenium Grid How to pass PhantomJS path to Selenium Grid jenkins jenkins

How to pass PhantomJS path to Selenium Grid

Adding the answer just in case someone misses the comment.

Please check if phantomjs has 'x' (execute) access for all users. If it doesnt, then use the command to change the access.

chmod +x /usr/bin/phantomjs

The new error "The process has not exited yet therefore no result is available" mostly comes with selenium/driver version mismatch. You could try downgrading the version of selenium.

Btw, what version of phantomjs are you using.

Try adding -Dphantomjs.binary.path=/usr/bin/phantomjs to your Java flags for Jenkins (typically look to /etc/default/jenkins or /etc/sysconfig/jenkins).

juste add path in command line like this:

'/usr/bin/java' -Dphantomjs.binary.path='/home/john/.local/share/binman_phantomjs/linux64/2.1.1/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs' -jar '/home/john/.local/share/binman_seleniumserver/generic/3.0.1/selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar'