How to run parallel stages in isolated pods for a declarative jenkins pipeline How to run parallel stages in isolated pods for a declarative jenkins pipeline jenkins jenkins

How to run parallel stages in isolated pods for a declarative jenkins pipeline

Try something like this

stage("Run additional parallel tests") {        parallel(             "parallel stage 1": {                [INSERT YOUR CODE HERE]            },            "parallel stage 2": {                [INSERT YOUR CODE HERE]            }        )    }}

You have__________: stage > parallel > stage > steps.

You need to have also: stage > parallel > stage > agent.

Do not repeat pod definition twice, it is recommended to put the pod definition in a separated file and refer to it using yamlFile instead of yaml :

  stage('Test'){    parallel {      stage("Branch 1") {          agent {             kubernetes {               defaultContainer 'jnlp'               yamlFile 'Jenkins.pod.yaml'             }          }          steps {            container('<tests-container-name>') {              sh "jenkins/scripts/"              sh 'bundle exec rspec --exclude-pattern "spec/features/*_spec.rb" spec'            }          }        }        stage("Branch 2") {          agent {             kubernetes {               defaultContainer 'jnlp'               yamlFile 'jenkins.pod.yaml'             }          }          steps {            container('<tests-container-name>') {              sh "jenkins/scripts/"              sh "bundle exec rspec `jenkins/scripts/ 0`"            }          }        }    }  }


if blueocean is one of your plugins, it will help you to draw your pipeline under http://HOST/blue/organizations/jenkins/pipeline-editor/, then you can copy the Jenkinsfile code by typing [Cmd + s]