How to use Jenkins declarative pipeline to build and test on multiple platforms How to use Jenkins declarative pipeline to build and test on multiple platforms jenkins jenkins

How to use Jenkins declarative pipeline to build and test on multiple platforms

  1. post{} block should only follow steps{} or parallel{} (for parallel stages) to take effect.

  2. If you require post to be executed in a node environment, you should provide a node to the entire stage (agent{} statement).

You could try to use parallel stages execution. Also I'd suggest to use functions to shorten the code.

Something like this:

void Clean() {    dir("build") {        deleteDir()        writeFile file:'dummy', text:'' // Creates the directory    }}void SmthElse(def optionalParams) {    // some actions here}pipeline {    agent none    options {        skipDefaultCheckout(true)   // to avoid force checkouts on every node in a first stage        disableConcurrentBuilds()   // to avoid concurrent builds on same nodes    }    stages {        stage('Clean') {            failfast false            parallel {                    stage('Linux') {                        agent {label 'linux'}                        steps {Clean()}                        post {                            // post statements for 'linux' node                            SmthElse(someParameter)                        }                    }                    stage('Windows') {                        agent {label 'windows'}                        steps {Clean()}                        post {                            // post statements for 'windows' node                        }                    }                    stage('MacOS') {                        agent {label 'mac'}                        steps {Clean()}                        post {                            // post statements for 'mac' node                        }                    }            }            post {                // Post statements OUTSIDE of nodes (i.e. send e-mail of a stage completion)            }        }        // other stages (Build/Test/Etc.)    }}

Alternatively you can use node in post statements:

stage('Test') {    steps {        // your parallel Test steps    }    post {        always {            script {                parallel (                    "linux" : {                        node('linux') {                            // 'linux' node post steps                        }                    },                    "windows" : {                        node('windows') {                            // 'windows' node post steps                        }                    }                    // etc                )            }        }    }}