Improve speed openCover Improve speed openCover jenkins jenkins

Improve speed openCover

By trying some things I did notice an huge improvement:

I excluded the tests assemblies of the openCover instrumentation, and now the performances are quite nice:

  • 1h06 only with UnitTests+SonarQube

  • 1h38 with OpenCover+UnitTests+SonarQube

This is quite acceptable for us.

By the way, how I did filter:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCover\OpenCover.Console.exe" -filter:"[*]* -[*.Test]*" -output:"%CD%\opencover.xml" -register:user -target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\\nunit-console\nunit3-console.exe" -targetargs:"Solution\our-solution-file.sln --config=Debug --result=%CD%\TestResult.xml;format=nunit2"exit 0