Infrastructure with maven, Jenkins, Nexus Infrastructure with maven, Jenkins, Nexus jenkins jenkins

Infrastructure with maven, Jenkins, Nexus

To deploy artifacts to Nexus, you'll need to include a distributionManagement section in your pom. Nexus ships with specific repositories already set up for both snapshots and releases. You should give the correct path to each of those so that maven will deploy snapshot and release artifacts to the correct repos. Then any time you deploy artifacts--typically with mvn deploy or using the maven release plugin, the artifacts will be deployed there. Nexus has write authentication on by default, so you'll need to make sure to add a server section with the correct credentials to the settings.xml of anyone who will be deploying artifacts. Jenkins can be treated pretty much like any other user. If you have it do a deploy as its build, then every build will deploy to Nexus. There's also a post-build action for deploying artifacts in case you want it to happen later in the Jenkins job.

I didn't need to make any changes to my projects pom.xml. Instead, in the jenkins "Post-build Actions" I selected "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" then selected "Advanced" and set the Repository URL to http://nexusserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases and the Repository ID to deploymentRepo.

In the ~/.m2/settings.xml on the jenkins machine I added

<settings>  <servers>    <server>      <id>deploymentRepo</id>      <username>deployment</username>      <password>deployment123</password>    </server>  </servers>   ...</settings>

update pom.xml

 <distributionManagement>    ...    <repository>      <id>deploymentRepo</id>      <name>Internal Releases</name>      <url>http://nexusserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases</url>    </repository>    ...  </distributionManagement>

then for maven ~/.m2/settings.xml add (this is default deployment user in Nexus)

<server>  <id>deploymentRepo</id>  <username>deployment</username>  <password>deployment123</password> </server>

then mvn deploy

Then it is possible to use deployed artifact in any project, just as standard artifacts.In this case add to pom.xml

<!-- company repositories -->    <repository>        <id>deploymentRepoReleases</id>        <name>Releases (Nexus)</name>        <url>http://nexusserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/</url>    </repository>    <repository>        <id>deploymentRepoSnapshots</id>        <name>Snapshots (Nexus)</name>        <url>http://nexusserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/</url>    </repository>

UPDATE: Later we went away from Snapshot repositories and were using maven-release-plugin that only needs repositories of release type.