Integrating an eclipse/cdt-based build into continuous integration Integrating an eclipse/cdt-based build into continuous integration jenkins jenkins

Integrating an eclipse/cdt-based build into continuous integration

it looks like if I start eclipse from a cmd interactively,it forks, if started from a bat script, it doesn't. so putting the previous line in jenkins was enough to do the trick.


  • you need to add -data parameter to define location of your workbench (I clean build each time)
  • as usual, blame windows and put quotes....
  • --launcher.suppressErrors : in case something goes awoc, prevents eclipse from displaying a pop up (which is actually not displayed, thus blocks build)

Final (working !) command:

C:\prog\EclipseCdt\eclipse --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -data "%WORKSPACE%" -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -import "%WORKSPACE%\project1" -import "%WORKSPACE%\project2" -import "%WORKSPACE%\project3" -build all 


  • added --launcher.suppressErrors