Jenkins Dynamic parameters based on previously selected parameter value Jenkins Dynamic parameters based on previously selected parameter value jenkins jenkins

Jenkins Dynamic parameters based on previously selected parameter value

This is exactly what you are looking for:

It seems to be a hidden gem, haven't found it in any of the similar questions so far.

Let's keep thing simple, Here is Step by Step process to achieve the required.
1.Install Active Choices Plugin in your Jenkins.
2.Add an ACTIVE CHOICE PARAMETERenter image description here

  1. Add an ACTIVE CHOICE REACTIVE PARAMETER.enter image description here

4.Click on apply and then on save.
Its done. !!!
Do comment if facing any problem with this.

I have not used it, but it looks like the following plugin may do what you want:

A Jenkins parameter plugin that allows for two select elements. The second select populates values depending upon the selection made for the first select.