jenkins fails while restarting my sql "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified Sorry, try again." jenkins fails while restarting my sql "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified Sorry, try again." jenkins jenkins

jenkins fails while restarting my sql "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified Sorry, try again."

The "no tty present" error indicates that you have the 'requiretty' setting in your sudoers file. In your case, it is probably in /etc/sudoers.d.Once this line is there, it does not matter what group you are in - sudo will require a tty whenever it is executed.

To get around this, you need to either remove (or comment out) the requiretty line in the configuration file, or add a line to exclude your user from the requiretty setting. You can see how to do that here:Disable requiretty per user

By adding the following: Defaults:username !authenticateto your /etc/sudoers you should not get the error but this username will be accessible without asking for a password

Please use the "id" command and paste the output. Only if you are in admin group then you don't need password but for all other even though you have access but you need to type the sudo password. In this case sudo doesn't have a tty to ask for the password and hence the error.

One solution could be, don't use sudo only for mysql restart, instead run the entire script as sudo "sudo {your script path}" in this case sudo will have the terminal to ask for the password.