Jenkins git plugin: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized Jenkins git plugin: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized jenkins jenkins

Jenkins git plugin: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized

I just spent an hour investigating on such an issue. What I tested was that on master everything works great with custom CA being configured into the system. It took me unfortunately some time to realize that ALL slaves need to have proper gitconfig or CA certificates installed for it to work.

I solved the problem adding to .gitconfig file the sslCAInfo info, like this:

$ echo -e "[http]\n\tsslCAInfo = /FOLDER_OF_CERTIFICATE/ca.pem" >> /var/lib/jenkins/.gitconfig

I was working with openshift... and I did it to master and the slaves to

It would also be a good idea to check your proxy server settings along with other git/openssl options. It helped me resolve this issue just by updating the correct proxy settings.