Jenkins IOS App Getting failed FATAL: No global development team or local team ID was configured Jenkins IOS App Getting failed FATAL: No global development team or local team ID was configured jenkins jenkins

Jenkins IOS App Getting failed FATAL: No global development team or local team ID was configured

We have a similar problem after we updated xcode and jenkin to the latest build. My team lead fixed it by setting the team id in jenkin's configuration setting. Your team id can be found in your profile overview after you login your apple developer account.

Hope this helps. Cheers.

enter image description here

You should add the development team ID as @xiaowoo told before. And don't forget to setup the Export Method in the General Build Settings!

enter image description here

Actually, Xcode 8.3 onward xcrun command in removed support from Xcode.So, It's trying to run all commands like validation and build process using xcrun.

That is the reason its failed, We tried with changing Development TeamID as well, But didn't work for us. Then we downgraded to XCode 8.2, then started working. Until unless fix comes from Jenkins plugin we will face issues like this.