Jenkins is very slow on first visit Jenkins is very slow on first visit jenkins jenkins

Jenkins is very slow on first visit

It would be difficult to definitively say what is causing your Jenkins instance to take so long to startup, though it is highly likely that one of your installed plugins is the offender.

For example:

  1. JENKINS-17837 - Downstream Build View Plugin
  2. JENKINS-24945 - Global Build Stats Plugin

Surely there are other plugins besides these two which have bugs/issues resulting in slow startup times as well. Some may have had issues and subsequent versions have addressed the performance issues.

Therefore, performing the following steps should at least reveal the culprit if not entirely fix the issue:

  1. Upgrade Jenkins to the latest, stable version
  2. Upgrade all plugins to their latest, stable versions
  3. Restart Jenkins
  4. If startup remains slow, remove your plugins one at a time (ensuring to save their respective configurations if necessary)

If upgrading to the latest versions does not improve your startup time, step 4 should reveal the culprit.