Jenkins-Job fails Jenkins-Job fails jenkins jenkins

Jenkins-Job fails

Just if somebody hasn't read my EDIT:

Did it!!!

Just define phpdox.xml in project-root

<phpdox xmlns="">    <project name="name-of-project" source="src" workdir="build/phpdox">        <collector publiconly="false">            <include mask="*.php" />            <exclude mask="*Autoload.php" />        </collector>        <generator output="build">            <build engine="html" enabled="true" output="api"/>        </generator>    </project></phpdox>

Sorry for wasting your time :/ jenkins

For me (I was following, I simply had to specify the path to the phpdox.xml which was in my build/ directory (along with all my other .xml files (phpcs.xml & phpmd.xml).

<!-- build.xml - phpdox section --><target name="phpdox" description="Generate API documentation using phpDox">    <exec executable="phpdox">        <!-- Specify the path to phpdox.xml -->        <arg value="--file=${basedir}/build/phpdox.xml" />    </exec></target>

An example phpdox.xml file looks like this: