Jenkins not starting as a windows service Jenkins not starting as a windows service jenkins jenkins

Jenkins not starting as a windows service

When jenkins runs as a service, it doesn't run as the current user, but usually as SYSTEM user, so it gets a different PATH environment. Its described here in the first paragraph.

You can change the Logon Account used by the Service to your own user in the service's configuration options.

If the executable tag just contains the word 'java' then java is expected to be in your PATH system variable.

So if you were to open a command prompt and type 'java', it should launch java. If it doesn't then Java isn't on your PATH and you will have to specify the full path to the executable, or alternatively add java to the PATH.

Googling "add to path windows" gives plenty of instructions on how to do this.

just go to windows firewall -> advanced settings -> inbound Rules -> jenkins -> protocols & ports -> change Protocol type to TCP -> local Port -> specific ports then write go to your browser and reload localhost:8080 ...This should work.