Jenkins on Openshift cannot clone repo Jenkins on Openshift cannot clone repo jenkins jenkins

Jenkins on Openshift cannot clone repo

You can try and follow "Building a project hosted on Github using an Openshift Jenkins instance " from Ramzi MaĆ¢lej.

Make sure Openshift doesn't grant write permission on several folders on a Jenkins instance such as: .ssh, .m2. (or ssh would not work anyway, because of right on folders "too permissive")
That alone could be the source of your problems, but if that is not enough, read on.


rhc ssh buildservermkdir app-root/data/git-sshssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -f $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/git-ssh/id_rsa

Deploy your $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/git-ssh/ to your GitHub account

Create a script that does the following:

#!/bin/bashID_RSA="$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/git-ssh/id_rsa"KNOWN_HOSTS="$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/git-ssh/known_hosts"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$KNOWN_HOSTS -i $ID_RSA $1 $2

Don't forget to make it executable: chmod +x

Test it:

 ./ -T git@github.comHi Jenkins! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Finally, configure Jenkins:

go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global Properties and create a new environment variable called GIT_SSH that refers to the location where you created your wrapper.

SSH into your Jenkins app and use the public key contained in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/.ssh/ as your Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket deploy key.