Jenkins / Slack integration Jenkins / Slack integration jenkins jenkins

Jenkins / Slack integration

leave "baseUrl" empty, and save before test via "TestConnection".

Finally, the issue was a temporary bug. Our configuration was valid, and re-testing a few days later seems to work well.

We filled Team Subdomain and Integration Token inputs with information found in our Slack apps management page. In addition, we set the name of the Channel were Jenkins will push notifications:

global config

We didn't set nothing in Slack Webhooks Settings:


Important: Remember to save your settings before clicking on "Test Connection" button.

Versions: Jenkins 2.46 / Slack Notification Plugin 2.2. Settings info found on

I had the same issue and found out that I had to create an incoming webhook on the slack interface (
But still I cant get it working...

edit: I may have misinterpreted the installation instruction at, anyway it's not up to date