Jenkins Subversion Error - E200015: No credential to try. Authentication failed Jenkins Subversion Error - E200015: No credential to try. Authentication failed jenkins jenkins

Jenkins Subversion Error - E200015: No credential to try. Authentication failed

Ok after many comments on the official bug report we were able to solve this issue.

So to get it working you have to update to the newest 2.3-snaptshot of the subversion plugin,which can be found here:

(Download the .hpi file and install it on your jenkins)

  1. After that you have to fix your build. I've written a small tutorial on how you can do this here.
  2. open the build configuration
  3. scroll down to the source-code-management section
  4. click on the "Add additional credentials..." button
  5. define as realm the specific identifier for our svn server --> (<prot://ip:port > Company Subversion Repository)
    • if it should work for a different svn you need to use the realm of this server
    • checkout a repo on this server via the command-line --> svn --username {username} --password {password} checkout prot://ip:port/svn/repo <-- you can cancel this after it has started the checkout
    • read all realms available on your mac with this cmd --> find ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ -type f -exec cat {} + | grep -A 2 realmstring
      • there's also another option to get the realmstring. on a pc which was not connected to the svn before, do the following in the therminal:"svn info prot://ip:port/pathtorepo" --> this will output something like "Authentication realm: Company Subversion Repository"
  6. select the credentials --> buildmaster/****** (<prot://ip:port> Company Subversion Repository)

NOTE : If you are using svn+ssh, your realm would look like "svn+ssh://server-name" without double-quotes. No pointy brackets, port or realm name needed.

  1. save and be happy!

I had same error. Since the svn repo was password protected. when I add the credential and use it for svn check out, it works fine.

enter image description here

I was getting the exactly same exception and it was because of using build parameter in repository path, e.g.:


even in case ${SVN_BRANCH} was correctly set to 'trunk' It was not working

when I changed repository path to:


everything works fine now

This issue occurred after upgrading svn plugin from 1.54 to 2.2, so it looks like there is some bug in new version of svn jenkins plugin