Jenkins trigger a job from API Jenkins trigger a job from API jenkins jenkins

Jenkins trigger a job from API

The solution is to generate an API token for your Jenkins user (or the Jenkins build user).

Go to the following link for your user:


Copy the user_id and token from this section:

enter image description here

And launch the following command to trigger a build:


I did a quick test on my https Jenkins server.

Without the token, I got this message:

Authentication required<!--You are authenticated as: anonymousGroups that you are in:Permission you need to have (but didn't): hudson.model.Hudson.Read ... which is implied by: ... which is implied by: hudson.model.Hudson.Administer-->

With the user_id/token, the build is OK with the curl command :)

If you are building with parameters then here it is:

Lets say your jenkins build accept two parameters and you want to make the api call using shell script:

You can put following command in shell script:

curl -X POST --data "package_name=ABC.tar.gz" --data "release_notes=none" --data "delay=0sec" https://USERID:TOKEN@JENKINS_URL/job/SOMETHING/SOMETHING/SOMETHING//buildWithParameters

Just use the address bar to make the link. Make sure the link ends with buildWithParameters