Jenkins xUnit test result report Jenkins xUnit test result report jenkins jenkins

Jenkins xUnit test result report

On my previous project I was running 3 development teams with 4 solutions that together consisted an integrated platform all on one Jenkins Master.

I had 2 DOS batch files that were held in a JenkinsScripts/ subdirectory at the root of each solution. One was called CodeCoverage.bat (which ensured OpenCover and ReportGenerator watched the unit tests) which in turn called RunUnitTests.bat passing parameters.

In RunUnitTests.bat the key line with many parameters resolved to:

packages\xunit.runner.console.2.1.0\tools\xunit.console.exe <MyUnitTestProject.dll> -nologo -noshadow -nunit TestReports\TestResults.xml

Hence, I was converting XUnit result XML to NUnit result XML and using the NUnit Plugin to publish the results.

Since I used this approach, the options for mapping of XUnit and NUnit 3 XML to Jenkins friendly JUnit (at my behest mind you) has improved.