msbuild.exe location on windows 8 with VS2012 msbuild.exe location on windows 8 with VS2012 jenkins jenkins

msbuild.exe location on windows 8 with VS2012

Make sure that you have installed the corresponding .Net framework.You can find the build.exe by following this sample path


The correct way to locate MSBuild is to use the registry.

Here's a powershell implementation of finding a specific version of the .exe

$regKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\${Version}"$itemProperty = Get-ItemProperty $RegKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinueif ($itemProperty -ne $null -and $itemProperty.MSBuildToolsPath -ne $null){     $msBuildPath = Join-Path $itemProperty.MSBuildToolsPath -ChildPath "MsBuild.exe"}

I do not like neither of the other answers. Because in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ or registry you cannot find new msbuild version that was installed with visual studio or separately as build tools. The best way is to use vswherefind msbuild