Override environment variable when running on Jenkins Override environment variable when running on Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Override environment variable when running on Jenkins

Step 1: Add the environment variables to Jenkins.

Open either the global or project-specific configuration page depending on your needs and scan down for the Environment variables section. Check the checkbox and use the Add button to add key/value pairs.

These will be passed by Jenkins to your Ant build script.

Step 2: Load them into Ant.

Near the top of your Ant build.xml script, load all environment variables with an env prefix so they don't interfere with other properties.

<property environment="env"/>

Now all imported variables will be available using the env prefix, e.g. ${env.HOME}.

Step 3: Pass them to PHPUnit.

Assuming you're using the <exec> task to run PHPUnit, you can pass each needed variable to it using the <env> child element.

<exec taskname="test" executable="phpunit">    <env key="APPLICATION_ENV" value="${env.APPLICATION_ENV}"/>    ...</exec>

Note: You might want to try just the first step to see if Ant will pass the environment variables along to executed child processes, but I think the other two steps are good for making it clear what is required to other developers.


Here's what you do...

First, create a new file called bootstrap.php.

Next, in boostrap.php, put the following code:

if (!empty($argv) &&     ($key = array_search('--environment', $argv)) !== FALSE){    $env = $argv[$key + 1];    putenv('APPLICATION_ENV=' . $env);}

Load the bootstrap.php into your testsuite or (even better) phpunit.xml.

Finally, via your CI build config, or via the console or wherever, execute your unit tests like phpunit UnitTest.php --environment dev.

You're good to go.