Package contains object and package with same name Package contains object and package with same name jenkins jenkins

Package contains object and package with same name

That kind of limitation was outlined in SI-4695: package object misbehaves in the presence of classfiles.

As suggested in SI-2089 (naming restriction makes some jars unusable), you could try and use the "resolve-term-conflict", as implemented in changeset 25145:

Added a -Y option to resolve namespace collisions between package and object.
It's a blunt instrument: if people have lots of these conflicts they need to resolve in individually nuanced fashion, they'll probably remain out of luck.

val termConflict  = ChoiceSetting     ("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts", 113 List("package", "object", "error"), "error")// Some jars (often, obfuscated ones) include a package and// object with the same name. Rather than render them unusable,// offer a setting to resolve the conflict one way or the other.// This was motivated by the desire to use YourKit probes, which// require `yjp.jar` at runtime. See SI-2089.

The actual compiler option is "-Yresolve-term-conflict:strategy" where strategy is either package, object, error.