Parallel jobs using build flow plugin with loop in jenkins Parallel jobs using build flow plugin with loop in jenkins jenkins jenkins

Parallel jobs using build flow plugin with loop in jenkins

parallel takes a list of Closures, so you should be able to use collect to return a list:

import jenkins.model.Jenkinsimport java.util.regex.*Pattern myRegex = ~/release_status.*/parallel jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.items.collect { item ->    { ->         if ( ==~ myRegex) {            build( "$" )        }    }}

An alternative that only returns a Closure if the name passes (rather than a Closure for every item, a lot of which will finish early) is:

import jenkins.model.Jenkinsimport java.util.regex.*Pattern myRegex = ~/release_status.*/parallel Jenkins.instance.items.findAll { item -> ==~ myRegex}                               .collect { item -> { -> build("$") } }

Here is my solution that might be helpful with Folders plugin:

import jenkins.model.Jenkins//Configuration blockdef dryRun = truedef projectFolder = 'Path/To/Folder'def phases = ['.*-Build','.*-Deploy', '.*-Regression', '.*Service-Full-Performance-Test']//Configuration blockdef phasesRegex = []phases.each{  phasesRegex.push(~/${projectFolder}\/${it}/)}def jobs = []items = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(projectFolder);items.getAllJobs().collect{  jobs.push(it.getFullName())}phasesRegex.each{  run = jobs.grep(it)  parallel run.collect{ job ->    { ->      if (dryRun) println "Dry Run of Job: ${job}"      else build(job)    }  }}