Passing maps into Jenkins pipeline jobs Passing maps into Jenkins pipeline jobs jenkins jenkins

Passing maps into Jenkins pipeline jobs

I've come up with a hacky workaround using the pipeline-utility-steps plugin.

Essentially I pass my data maps around as JSON.

So my seed job might contain:

def SERVERS_MAP = ''' {  "prod": [    "prod-server1",    "prod-server2"  ],  "dev": [    "dev-server1",    "dev-server2"  ]}'''pipelineJob("job1") {    definition {        cps {            script(readFileFromWorkspace('job1.groovy'))        }        parameters {            choiceParam('ENV', ['dev', 'prod'], 'Build Environment')            stringParam('SERVERS_MAP', "${SERVERS_MAP}", "")         }    }}

and my pipeline would contain something like:

def serversMap = readJSON text: SERVERS_MAPdef targetServers = serversMap["${ENV}"]targetServers.each { server ->   echo server}

I could also extract these variables into a JSON file and read them from there.

Although it works, it feels wrong somehow.

You can use string parameter pass the Map val, downstream read it as json format.


timestamps{node("sse_lab_CI_076"){ //${execNode}    currentBuild.description="${env.NODE_NAME};"    stage("-- regression execute --"){        def test_map =         """            {                "gerrit_patchset_commit": "aad5fce",                "build_cpu_x86_ubuntu":     [                    "centos_compatible_build_test",                    "gdb_compatible_build_test",                    "visual_profiler_compatible_build_test"                ],            }        """        build(job: 'tops_regression_down',            parameters: [string(name: 'UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME',                                value: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}"),                        string(name: 'UPSTREAM_BUILD_NUM',                                value: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"),                        string(name: 'MAP_PARAM',                                value: "${test_map}"),                        ],            propagate: true,            wait: true)    }}



timestamps{node("sse_lab_inspur_076"){ //${execNode}    currentBuild.description="${env.NODE_NAME};"    stage('--in precondition--'){        dir('./'){            cleanWs()            println("hello world")            println("${env.MAP_PARAM}")            Map result_json = readJSON(text: "${env.MAP_PARAM}")            println(result_json)        }    }}
