Please provide compiled classes of your project with Please provide compiled classes of your project with jenkins jenkins

Please provide compiled classes of your project with

You're running your Maven steps in the wrong order:

  • clean - delete all previous build output
  • sonar:sonar - run analysis (which requires build output)
  • deploy - build &etc...

Try this instead:

mvn clean deploy sonar:sonar

Now if you're about to object that you don't want to actually "deploy" the jar until/unless the changed code passes the Quality Gate, well... that requires a different workflow:

mvn clean package sonar:sonar// check quality gate status// if (qualityGateOk) { deploy }

The particulars of those last two steps will depend on your CI infrastructure. But for Jenkins, step #2 is well documented

I got the same error while invoking Standalone SonarQube Analysis as a Jenkins job pre-build step, which I fixed adding**/target/classes along with other SonarQube Analysis properties, as follows:


I had a seme problem. I did below stepsAdded Invoke top-level maven target from build steps (It should be the first build step)added clean install.

and also added below properties to my Analysis properties under Execute SonarQube scanner.
