Plotting arbitrary data for repository Plotting arbitrary data for repository jenkins jenkins

Plotting arbitrary data for repository

I would suggest to split your task to simplify everything a little bit. It is likely you will need several different tools in order to collect and visualize all required information. Historical view seems to be another big challenge.

Lines of code

There are several plugins available for Jenkins, but almost all are highly specialized. SLOCCount plug-in seems to be most universal, but it does not provide any graphical output.

enter image description here

There might be some other option for your language. For example, CCCC will provide required information for C and C++ code:

enter image description here

Number of lines in a latex documentI see several options to achieve that:

  • adapt existing solution/plugin
  • use repository statistics tool (Pepper, for example, can do the trick)
  • use simple shell script to count lines and report it

Pepper will generate something like the following:

enter image description here

Please check Pepper gallery. There are another tools, for example: hgchart

Time between commits

The simplest solution is to let a commit to trigger some trivial job, so Jenkins will provide all information as part of build history (with a timeline, etc).

enter image description here

Another solution is to use repository statistics tool once again:

enter image description here

Anything that can be output by a script

There are several good plug-ins for that.

enter image description here

Happy continuous integration.