Rancher CLI update loadbalancer Rancher CLI update loadbalancer jenkins jenkins

Rancher CLI update loadbalancer

Ok, just for the information, I found that this is possible via the Rest API of Rancher.

Check the following link : http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/v1.2/en/api/v2-beta/api-resources/service/

I didn't found that at first 'cause the Googling I've done around was all about rancher cli at first. But as it's still beta, we can't do the same stuff as via the rest API.

Basically, just send an update resource query :

PUT rancherserver/v2-beta/projects/1a12/services/

{    "description": "Loadbalancer for our test env",    "lbConfig": {        "portRules": [            {                "hostname": "",                "protocol": "http",                "source_port": "80",                "targetPort": "4200",                "path": "/"            }        ]    },    "name": "kubernetes-ingress-lbs"}