Run Newman in jenkins Run Newman in jenkins jenkins jenkins

Run Newman in jenkins

  1. Install in jenkins

  2. In Global Tool Configuration add Nodejs and in "Global npm packages to install" add newman

Global Tool Configuration add Nodejs

  1. In Build Environment use "Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH"

  2. In Build add "execute shell" if you are using linux or use "execute windows batch command" if you are on windows and add your newman command

    For example:

    newman run


the html extra reporter only worked for me once enabling 'locate executor' and flag "with ant" as well, under the provide node & npm option.

I had the similar problem. I had several lines of the text in the Command field. According to advice I used backslashes to make it look pretier and I couldn't create a report with Newman. I got a report only after deleteing the backslashes and writing all information in one line