Run next job in sequence even if the previous job fails in a Jenkins Build flow Run next job in sequence even if the previous job fails in a Jenkins Build flow jenkins jenkins

Run next job in sequence even if the previous job fails in a Jenkins Build flow

you can set propagate to false, that will ensure your workflow will continue if particular job fails:

build job: '<job_name>', propagate: false

For me, propagate: false didn't worked, So I used ignore(FAILURE) instead in my BuildFlow, to make sure that all the jobs in flow executes, even if there are failures. (Ref)

  ignore(FAILURE) {        build("JobToCall",  Param1: "param1Val", Param2: "param2Val")    }

You can use Jenkins Workflow Plugin as follows:

try {  build 'A'} catch(e) {  echo 'Build for job A failed'}try {  build 'B'} catch(e) {  echo 'Build for job B failed'}

You can extend this idiom to any number of jobs or any combination of success/failure flow you want (for example, adding build steps inside catches if you want to build some job in case another failed).