Run TestFixture multiple times using Nunit or Jenkins Run TestFixture multiple times using Nunit or Jenkins jenkins jenkins

Run TestFixture multiple times using Nunit or Jenkins

As Steve says, a parameterized fixture works, but if you want to run your test hundreds of times, it would get fairly tedious to copy and paste that many attributes.

A better option in NUnit is to use the TestFixtureSource attribute on your fixture. For example, the following code will run your test fixture 100 times;

[TestFixtureSource("TestData")]public class MultipleRunFixture{    int _counter;    public MultipleRunFixture(int counter)    {        _counter = counter;    }    public static IEnumerable<int> TestData =>        Enumerable.Range(0, 100);    [Test]    public void TestMethod()    {        // TODO: Add your test code here        Assert.Pass($"Test run {_counter}");    }}

You could make it a paramterized fixture: then the fixture would run as many times as you have added the attribute:

[TestFixture(4)][TestFixture(3)][TestFixture(2)][TestFixture(1)]public class MyTestFixture{           public MyTestFixture(int counter)    {            }

Thanks to Steve and Rob for the answers. All of them are good options but I tried another approach and it turned out to be the best solution for my case. So just putting it here for anyone else who stumbles upon it.

I created a Jenkins job for that test fixture and used a cron time to repeat the test regularly, say every 2 minutes. This way, Jenkins ran the job many times and even collected the stats for me (e.g. test failure rate).