Running Quicktest Pro tests from maven/Jenkins? Running Quicktest Pro tests from maven/Jenkins? jenkins jenkins

Running Quicktest Pro tests from maven/Jenkins?

An AOM ( Automation Object Model ) vbscript could be written to invoke QTP and run a specific test.Such a vbscript could be run from command line in Windows.

If you can run/invoke vbscript files from Maven/Jenkins , it is definitely possible to run QTP scripts through command line.

A sample AOM vbscript function to trigger QTP run is below

Public Function RunQTP(byVal strQC_Or_Local, byVal strTestPath, byVal strTestName, byVal strResultsFolder, byVal strTraceFile)', byVal strStore)    ' Create the Application object     Dim objQTPApp,objQTPLibraries,objTestResults  'QTP    Dim strTempResultsRootFolder    strTempResultsRootFolder = "C:\TempTest\"    On Error Resume Next        'Loop for a minute or until qtp is successfully opened        StartTime = Now        Do                 'Create QTP object                Set objQTPApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")                 'Clear any existing error numbers                Err.Clear                'If QTP is already launched, do nothing, else launch it                If objQTPApp.Launched = False Then                    objQTPApp.Launch                    End If                'Set qtp to visible                objQTPApp.Visible = True                'See if launching QTP has caused an error                intErr = Err.Number                'If it QTP has opened fine, exit the loop                If intErr = 0 Then                        objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP open with no errors" & vbCR                        Exit Do                        'If there's an error, Close and QTP processes running (if any) and try again                Else                        msgbox "Error in opening QTP"                End If        Loop Until DateDiff("s", StartTime, Now) > 180    On Error GoTo 0    objQTPApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"    If strQC_Or_Local = "QC" Then        'Connect To QC        strQCUsername = "Quality center username"        strQCPassword = "Quality center password"        If objQTPApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then            'If QTP is already connected, if login details are different, then log out and log in again with given details            If objQTPApp.TDConnection.User <> strQCUsername Or objQTPApp.TDConnection.Domain <> strQCDomain Or _                objQTPApp.TDConnection.Project <> strQCProject Or objQTPApp.TDConnection.Server <> strQCPath Then                msgbox "connected as someone else - disconnecting, and then will reconnect"                objQTPApp.TDConnection.Disconnect                 On Error Resume Next                    objQTPApp.TDConnection.Connect strQCPath, strQCDomain, strQCProject, strQCUsername, strQCPassword, False                On Error GoTo 0            End If        Else            'If it's not already connected, log in with given details            On Error Resume Next                objQTPApp.TDConnection.Connect strQCPath, strQCDomain, strQCProject, strQCUsername, strQCPassword, False            On Error GoTo 0        End If        'If connected, tests in QC have [QualityCenter] appended before their name        If objQTPApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then ' If connection is successful            strTestPath = "[QualityCenter] " & strTestPath         Else             MsgBox "Cannot connect to Quality Center" ' If connection is not successful, display an error message.             Exit Function        End If    End If    'Open the test    On Error Resume Next        objQTPApp.Open strTestPath, False        intErr = err.number        strErrDesc = err.description    On Error Goto 0    'If no problems    If intErr = 0 Then        'Configure the QTP settings         'Stop the test when an error  occours        objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextIteration"        'Select the Range you wish to run         objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "oneIteration"        'Set sync timeout to be 20 seconds and disable smart identification        'objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Run.ObjectSyncTimeOut = 20000        objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Run.DisableSmartIdentification = True        'Ensure that the recovery mechanism is set to be activated for every step        'qtTestRecovery.SetActivationMode "OnError"        Set objTestResults = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions")         'If results folder path is empty, just save tests results to usual temp place        Dim blnSaveSpecificLocation         If strResultsFolder = "" Then            blnSaveSpecificLocation = False            objTestResults.ResultsLocation = "<TempLocation>"        Else        'Otherwise, save results to a temporary location, and then move the tests results to desired location before closing the test/stopping QTP etc        'Need to save to a temp location and then move, as it looks like that when another test is run, QTP deletes the previous set of results.            blnSaveSpecificLocation = True            'Create the results object                      strDate = CStr(Now)            strDate = Replace(strDate, "/", "")            strDate = Replace(strDate, ":", ".")            strTestNameAppendage = strTestName & " " & objQTPApp.Test.Environment.Value("LocalHostName")  & " " & strDate            strResults = strResultsFolder & "\" '& strTestNameAppendage            strTempResultsLocation = strTempResultsRootFolder & strTestNameAppendage            objTestResults.ResultsLocation = strTempResultsLocation        End If        objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " Start Test" & vbCrLf         'If QTP crashes, it will be forced shut by 'KillQTP' after an hour. If this happens, 'objQTPApp.Test.Run objTestResults' will return an error        'so need to turn off error reporting and capture the error given if this is the case        On Error Resume Next            Dim intQTPErr            Err.Clear            'Run the test *************************** This is the line which triggers the QTP run            objQTPApp.Test.Run objTestResults             intQTPErr = Err.Number        On Error GoTo 0         objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " End Test" & vbCrLf    Else            objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " " & strTestPath & " could not be opened. Error message = " & strErrDesc & vbCRLf                          End if    'Close Qtp      objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " Just before checking the error number. Error Number was: " & intQTPErr & vbCRLf    On Error Resume Next        'If QTP has crashed, the number captured in intQTPErr will be -2147023170        If intQTPErr = "-2147023170" Then   'if it's crashed (could put <> 0 instead)             objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP Run Crashed or didn't finish in the time limit. Error Number was: " & intQTPErr & vbCRLf        Else             objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP Thinks it finished - stopping test: "  & Err.Number & vbCRLf            'Close the test                     objQTPApp.Test.Stop            objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP Thinks it stopped fine - closing test: "  & Err.Number & vbCRLf            'Move the test from temp location to desired location            If blnSaveSpecificLocation = True Then                Call MoveFolder(strTempResultsLocation, strResults)                'objQTPApp.Test.Close                objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP Thinks it closed fine - error number is: "  & Err.Number & vbCRLf            End If            objQTPTraceFile.Write Now & " QTP Process should have been killed" & vbCRLf        End If    On Error GoTo 0    'Set objects used to nothing        Set objQTPTraceFile  = Nothing    Set fso  = Nothing    Set qtTestRecovery = Nothing ' Release the Recovery object     Set objTestResults = Nothing    Set objQTPLibraries = Nothing    Set objQTPApp = NothingEnd Function