Running QUnit tests with Jenkins and Apache Ant? Running QUnit tests with Jenkins and Apache Ant? jenkins jenkins

Running QUnit tests with Jenkins and Apache Ant?

So, I have finally managed to figure this out.

Here's my end-to-end implementation:

  1. Install PhantomJS ( - I installed this in my build/tools folder

  2. Install the PhantomJS QUnit Runner script ( - also installed this in my build/tools folder

  3. Added the following target to my build.xml file:

    <target name="qunit" description="runs QUnit tests using PhantomJS">      <!-- QUnit Javascript Unit Tests -->      <echo message="Executing QUnit Javascript Unit Tests..."/>      <apply executable="path-to-your-phantomjs-bin-folder/phantomjs" >        <arg value="-path-to-your-build-tools/qunit-runner.js" />        <arg line="--qunit path-to-your-qunit-folder/qunit.js --tests path-to-your-test-folder --juni path-where-you-want-to-write-the-JUnit-style-output/qunit-results.xml" />        <fileset dir="${basedir}/${dir.test}" includes="tests.js" />        <srcfile/>      </apply>    </target>
  1. Under my Jenkins project config, I now invoke Ant with "minify qunit"

  2. I point Jenkins to the JUnit-style output XML file

And, here is the workflow:

  1. Check changes into my repo
  2. Jenkins will poll GitHub for changes
  3. If there are any changes, Jenkins will pull down
  4. Ant will be invoked, doing the build, then running my unit tests
  5. The test results will be published in a JUnit-like XML format
  6. Jenkins will analyse this output file. If no tests failed, the build will be marked as "Success". If any tests failed, the build will be marked as "Unstable"
  7. Jenkins will deploy the web changes
  8. Jenkins will cleanup the work-area

PS: At the moment, you have to manually delete the JUnit-type XML output file. I will fix this later.

PS: Download the customized qunit.js (

If I understand your setup correctly, you can run Ant build step providing it with the location of your build.xml, top-level target, and -D parameters (if any). This may be of some help.