sed command in the JenkinsFile and Pipeline sed command in the JenkinsFile and Pipeline jenkins jenkins

sed command in the JenkinsFile and Pipeline

Put the commands in single "sh" block, please take the reference from the below:-

pipeline {agent anytools {nodejs "NodeJS 6.7.0"}stages {    stage('checking out gitlab branch master') {        steps {            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/development']]])        }    }    stage('executing release process') {        environment {            ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY = credentials('sandbox-gms-password')        }        steps {            sh '''                  cp bowerrc.template .bowerrc                  sed -i -e "s/username/zest-jenkins/g" .bowerrc                  sed -i -e "s/password/${ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY}/g" .bowerrc                  cat .bowerrc               '''        }    }   }}