Send Jenkins console output as HTML email Send Jenkins console output as HTML email jenkins jenkins

Send Jenkins console output as HTML email

Email Ext plugin works just fine with HTML. It's up to your email client to parse HTML (but then again, most these days do).

The question is: how does your build output this HTML above? Does it output it to file? Does it display it in Console Output?

If the text is in console output, use:

<pre>${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="Regex-for-start", end="Regex-for-end"}</pre>

The <pre> tags are to preserve spacing/formatting.
The start and end regular expressions are to identify the "starting line" from which to start displaying log, and the "ending line" at which to stop displaying log.

Note that the start and end lines themselves are excluded. So, in your build, put a header and footer lines just before and just after your html output, and use them here.

For reference, in the email-ext configuration, click the Content Reference question mark icon ?

So this is how I solved it with the help of @Slav.

Jenkins job was running this script:

<?phpecho "start-here\n";echo "<html><body><table border=1><tr><td>yello1111</td><td>11111bbbbbbb</td></tr><tr><td>yelloooo</td><td>bbbbbbb</td></tr></table></body></html>";echo "end-here\n";

The job was configured with email-ext and in the Add post-build action->Editable Email Notification -> Default Content I put the following:

${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="\\b(start-here)\\b", end="\\b(end-here)\\b"}

This send the email as html content and not the text of html.

Go to "Manage-jenkins"->"configure system"Than on the "Extended E-mail Notification" settings, put the below line in "default content" text-area

<pre>${BUILD_LOG, maxLines=9999, escapeHtml=false}</pre>