test-output folder is not created when i execute maven project in jenkins test-output folder is not created when i execute maven project in jenkins jenkins jenkins

test-output folder is not created when i execute maven project in jenkins

TestNG would create the output folder as test-output only when running it via the IDE such as eclipse or IntelliJ.

When you run TestNG tests via Maven using surefire plugin, then the output folder is controlled by surefire plugin which is passed on to TestNG as part of the initialization.

By default surefire reports are available under target/surefire-reports folder where target folder is the default build output folder.

You can customize or change this folder value via https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/test-mojo.html#reportsDirectory

After executing test script thenRight click on your project folder into eclipse and click on refresh button. test-output folder will appear in TestNG